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a barking dog doesn’t bite!
吠犬不咬人  detail>>
a dog is barking
狗汪汪地叫  detail>>
dog bite dog bite
给狗咬  detail>>
barking dogs do not bite
吠犬不咬人  detail>>
barking dogs don’t bite
空言不能成交易  detail>>
barking dogs never bite
绑架门口狗 绑架门前狗 门口狗  detail>>
barking dogs seldom bite
爱叫的狗不咬人 爱叫的狗很少咬人 吠狗不咬人 吠犬不咬人 会叫的狗不会咬人  detail>>
bite by dog
犬咬伤  detail>>
dog bite
狗咬伤 犬咬伤  detail>>
mother doesn’t want a dog
好想养宠物  detail>>
34.barking dogs seldom bite
爱叫的狗不咬人  detail>>
dog bite dog
狗咬狗  detail>>
bite by rabid dog
疯犬咬伤 癫狗咬伤  detail>>
dog-bite wound
狗咬伤 犬咬伤,犬噬伤人  detail>>
the bite of a mad dog is fatal
被疯狗咬伤会致死的  detail>>
this scar is from the bite of a dog
这是狗咬后留下的伤疤  detail>>
巴尔金 巴金 剥皮,去皮 叫声 去皮, 剥皮 树皮化  detail>>
doesn't = does not.  detail>>